Below is a select list of research publications for Dr Grant Andrews, lecturer at the Wits School of Education at the University of the Witwatersrand
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Other Online Research Profiles
Stories of Fathers, Stories of the Nation:
Fatherhood and Paternal Power in South African Literature. University of
Kwa-Zulu Natal (UKZN) Press, ISBN: 978 1869144784. (2021).[fields][_id]=589
Accredited Journal Articles
- “Emergency remote teaching in unequal contexts: Reflections on student feedback on two online courses during the Covid-19 lockdown in South Africa.” International Journal of Information and Education Technology (2022). Co-Author: Ilse Fouché.
- “South African Queer Sons Challenging the White Father’s Legacy: Forging New Afrikaner Male Identities in Etienne Kallos’s Die Stropers (The Harvesters).” NORMA. (2022)
- “The construction of split whiteness in the queer films Moffie (2019) and Kanarie (2018).” Tydskrif vir Letterkunde 59.1. (2022).
- “Developing Academic Identities as Gay Lecturers at South African Universities: Two Autoethnographic Narratives.” Alternation 28.2. (2021). Co-Author Henry Nichols.“
- Pedagogical and decolonial affordances of group portfolio assessments for learning in South African universities.” Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning. (2021). Co-Authors: Ilse Fouché, Laura Dison and Maria Prozesky.
- “‘Working from home is one major disaster’: An analysis of student feedback at a South African university during the Covid-19 lockdown”. Education and Information Technologies. (2021). Co-Author: Ilse Fouché.
- “Disrupting Patriarchal Perceptions of Single-Mother Families: An Analysis of Adolescent Narratives.” Education as Change 25. (2021). Co-Author: Carmelita Jacobs.
- “YouTube Queer Communities as Heterotopias: Space, Identity and ‘Realness’ in Queer South African Vlogs.” Journal of African Cultural Studies 33.1 (2020).
- "Teaching higher education courses on gender and sexuality in the wake of the Must Fall movements: Mutual disruption through the lens of critical pedagogy”. Education as Change 24 (2020).
- “Queer Cyborgs in South African Speculative Fiction: Moxyland by Lauren Beukes and The Prey of Gods by Nicky Drayden”. Scrutiny2 (2020).
- “The Multiliteracies Learning Environment as Decolonial Nexus: Designing for Decolonial Teaching in a Literacies Course at a South African University.” Scrutiny2 25.1 (2020). Co-Authors Ilse Fouché and Maria Prozesky.
- “The Emergence of Black Queer Characters in Three Postapartheid Novels.” Tydskrif vir Letterkunde 56.2 (2019): 1-9. ISI Publication
- "The Queer Son and the Declining Patriarch in Post-Apartheid South African Literature: The Subversive Symbol of Water in Mark Behr’s Kings of the Water." Journal of Literary Studies 35.2 (2019): 85-104. ISI Publication
- “The Broken Mirror: A Lacanian Psychoanalytic Perspective on John Trengove’s Film Inxeba (The Wound).” Imbizo: International Journal of African Literary and Comparative Studies 10.1 (2019): 1-13.
- “The Boundaries of Desire and Intimacy in Post-Apartheid South African Queer Film: Oliver Hermanus’s Skoonheid”. Image & Text 31.1 (2018): 30-47.
- “Visibilising intersectional black pain: Embodied activism and affective communities in recent South African youth movements.” Young People Shaping Democratic Politics: Interrogating Inclusion, Mobilising Education. Edited by C. Laura Lovin and Ian Rivers. (2022, in press). Publisher: Palgrave.
- “Possibilities for Critical Literacy in Large Group, Asynchronous Online Teaching.” Pedagogic Innovation Beyond Disruption. Edited by Laura Dison and Anthony Essien. (2022, in press).
- “Queer critical literacies & initial teacher education: Transnational moments.” Gender Diversity in English Language Education: New Transnational Voices, Edited by Darío Luis Banegas & Navan Govender. Co-Author Navan Govender. (2022, in press). Publisher: Bloomsbury.
- “Queer Critical Literacies”. The Handbook of Critical Literacies (2021). Co-Author: Navan N. Govender. Publisher: Routledge.
- “Liminal Spaces & Conflicts of Culture in South African Queer Films: Inxeba [The Wound]” ALT 36: African Literature Today 36, 2018.
Encyclopedia Entry
- “Moffie”, sidebar as part of a section entitled “Terminology, Translation and Africanization of…”. Global Encyclopedia of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer History. Ed. Howard Chiang. Publisher: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2019.
- "Review: Post-Apartheid Same-Sex Sexualities: Restless Identities in Literary and Visual Culture (Andy Carolin)”. Tydskrif vir Letterkunde 58.1 (2021): 174-5.
- “Film review: Moffie is a harrowing meditation on white masculinity”. The Conversation Africa [online] (2020). URL:
- “Review: Submerged by Louis Wiid”. WritingThreeSixty 2 (2), 58-64. Available online:
Published Informational Book
- How to Understand and Accept Your Gay Son (Even If You’re Not Sure You Can). Co-author: Malan van der Walt (M.Ed Psych.). Kindle Publishing, 2015. Eds. Kenneth Hopson and Andrew Carolin. Available online at